Full Member $85 (one year)
To join as a full member click the Join Now button below
Student Member $35 (one year)
To join as a student click the Join Now button below and apply the discount code JSAASTUDENT21
Part-time or Retired Member $55 (one year)
To join as a part-time or retired member click the Join Now button below and apply the discount code JSAAPTRT21
Your membership will be automatically renewed on the date you become a member.
You can update your membership information such as payment method via your Account Profile page (you can access your Account Profile page after you log in to your account). You can also cancel the membership on the account profile page.
JSAA and Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) joint membership
Ordinary membership (joint) AUD $194.00
Student membership (joint) AUD $86.00
Retiree membership (joint) AUD $120.00
For the JSAA and ASAA joint membership please use your credit card to pay via
*please note, joint membership only offers online access to the Asian Studies Review, the journal of the ASAA. If you would prefer to receive a print copy, you must join each association separately.
You may also take advantage of the 10% discount for joint membership of the ASAA - through the ASAA website (see here). The discount is for online payments only.
If you are unable to pay by credit card please contact the Treasurer to arrange alternate means of payment at: