JSAA Grant Scheme

The JSAA accepts funding applications from financial members for the organisation of a conference/symposium, workshop, or other event (either hybrid or fully face to face). The Association will call for applications once or twice a year, depending on availability of funding.

The 2025 Round 1 is now open for events taking place between June and November 2025. This round has a total allocation of AU$7,500 to be distributed according to the grant committee’s recommendations.

Please note: JSAA reserves the right to distribute funding among successful applicants at its discretion and may elect to partially fund multiple applications up to the maximum amount for the round. It is unlikely that the full amount is awarded to one grant application. JSAA reserves the right not to award any grant funds if applications do not meet the criteria.

Due date: Tuesday 15 April, 5pm (AEST)

Applications should be sent to the JSAA secretary Dr Satoshi Nambu Satoshi.Nambu@monash.edu.


  • To be eligible, an application must demonstrate benefits to the Australian Japanese Studies Community.

  • The applicant must be a financial member of the JSAA (if a group application then a majority of applicants should be financial members).

  • The event must include a public lecture or workshop that opens to everyone. The event must take place in Australia.

The eligible items are as follows:

  • Travel expenses, i.e., airfares, domestic transportation, and accommodation expenses for visiting scholars

  • Honoraria for lecturers, interpreters, roundtable participants, etc.

  • Venue and equipment hire

  • Printing/publicity/publication costs including URL fee

  • Food and beverage (maximum of 10% of total amount applied for)

  • GST for grant amount (to be included within the maximum applicable amount)

The applicant must submit: (1) an application (maximum of 3 pages); and (2) a CV (maximum of 2 pages). The application should include the following information:

1) summary of the project including timing and planned duration

2) overall budget of the workshop or project. The budget should include details of all anticipated costs for each of the items listed above.

3) information on other funding to be used for the event

4) details of PhD scholarship held (if applicable)

5) intended pool of participants (who is the event for?) and invitees (keynote speakers, etc)

6) intended benefit to the JSAA community

 Criteria for judgment:

·      Probability of delivering demonstrable outcomes (relative to the nature of the proposal and the track record of the applicant).

·      Intellectual value (significance, innovation, long-term impact, contribution to the field of study).

·      Contribution [or benefit] to the Japanese Studies community in Australia, including international and inter-institutional collaboration.

·      Responsible and feasible budget. (The Executive Committee’s preference is to provide full funding to modestly budgeted proposals, but it will also consider joint funding and reserves the right to grant less than the amount requested.)

·      Equity (although an applicant may be awarded two grants within a two year period, the Executive Committee’s preference is to spread grants across the JSAA membership.)

·      This funding gives priority to events that actively involve early career researchers (ECRs) in various capacities (e.g. speakers, panelists).

·      Completion of the report for any previous JSAA funding (if applicable).

The JSAA Executive Committee reserves the right not to award a grant in any grant period. 

After the completion of the project, the successful applicant must submit a one-page report on the outcomes achieved (with a financial report attached) within three months of the event.

Funds are to be fully committed or spent within one year of the award. An extension of 3 months can be granted in special circumstances. An application should be sent to the Executive Committee at least eight (8) weeks prior to the originally planned date.